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School Council

At Crwys, we put the pupils firmly at the heart of all decisions. Research and case study examples suggest that developing children and young people’s participation is potentially beneficial for individuals, organisations and communities.

Pupils who participate in decision-making report that they enjoy enhanced self-esteem and motivation, gain important personal, social and organisational skills, and become familiar with group and democratic processes.

At the organisational level, pupil involvement in decision-making may lead to better relationships, more relevant and effective policies, and better learning. In the best scenarios, pupils and adults work together as partners to ensure that their school provides the best possible learning environment for all. Pupils have an important part to play in helping their school to improve in every aspect of school life.

UNCRC – Article 12 – Your right to say what
you think should happen and be listened to


School Council 

This year’s council were elected in September following some hard fought campaigning and they wasted no time getting their voices heard. They hold regular meetings under the watchful eye of Mrs Howells and the Chair and Secretary are regular visitors to my office!