In order to Safeguard the children in our care, the school…
Ensures that our children are free to express their wishes and feelings throughout their time at Crwys
Promotes Children’s Rights – including “the right to be listened to”
Has a Senior Management Team who are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our children at school and in the community
Has a team of staff, volunteers and governors who understand how to protect and safeguard our children and know how and when they must report concerns about their welfare. This is a continual rigorous process to our school
Has a clear statement of its responsibility to safeguard our children as defined in safeguarding policies and any training undertaken with staff, volunteers and governors
Has clear lines of accountability for staff, volunteers and governors in the school as defined in our child protection policy and other safeguarding policies.
Ensures that staff and governors access training in relation to the welfare and protection of our children within the expectations of local and national guidance
Has robust recruitment procedures which promote the welfare of our children as laid out in the school’s recruitment policy and are in line with national guidance
Works in close partnership with parents/carers and other services concerned with the safeguarding of our children to meet both local and national expectations
The named persons with responsibility for Child Protection are:
- Dylan Saer (Headteacher)
- Simon Short (Deputy Head)
- Cath Deslandes (ALENCo)
- Belinda Hansford (Chair of Governors)