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The school is fortunate to have a hugely committed P.T.A. Members have worked tremendously hard for the school’s cause and continue to do so. They have raised thousands of pounds through many fundraising activities.

We encourage all parents to get involved with PTA, which meets regularly and organise fundraising events. Like most schools, we welcome any financial contribution from the association to supplement the amount of money provided by the L.E.A. and Government and assure you that any money donated from PTA is put to good use, for the benefit of ALL the children.

All parents are members of the PTA and are very welcome to meetings, events etc. Please let us know if you would like to get involved. We are always looking for new members. If you have any ideas for fundraising activities, then please let us know.

Our committee consists of

Chair – Lauren Rogers

Vice Chair – TBC

Secretary – Kirstie Williams

Treasurer – Kelly-Marie Besley